About the institution
NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences (NHL Stenden Hogeschool) is providing a full range of bachelor and master studies. The Academy of Teacher Training for primary education is responsaible for the training of Frisian as part of the Bachelor of Primary Education; the Academy of Teacher Training for secondary school provides a full Bachelor Course and a Master Course for Secondary Education and Vocational Training.
Since 2011, the NHL Stenden Unviersity has a Chair on Frisian and Multilingualism in Education. Our main aims are teacher training primary education and secondary education as well as cross sectoral intitiatives and projects in the fields of pedagogy, language acquisition and culture. The inclusive approach aims to include also migrant languages.
Contact person in the project

Eabele Tjepkema
senior research lecturer, member of the research group Multilingualism & Literacy,
coordinator of the domain programme Language & Identity, coordinator of the minor programme Linguistic Diversity & Citizenship